Axtom Platform enables automated negotiations with your vendors

Large corporations have thousands or even hundreds of thousands of vendors that account for 20% of total supplier costs or the “tail-spend”.

Typically, 80% of total supplier spend is typically concentrated in 20% of suppliers while the remaining 20% is fragmented among 80% of suppliers. This means that the tail spend has far too many vendors to be efficiently and effectively managed.

As a result, negotiations with long-tail suppliers are typically run inefficiently and ineffectively leading to mediocre results, a lack of control and oversight over these smaller vendors, and, crucially, money left on the table, that, in the aggregate, could generate substantial cost savings to the corporation.



Data as is

As supplier management systems evolve and become more complex, there continue to be issues with data such as corrupt records, duplicates, missing fields and applications misuse. Axtom doesn't require "good" data to run, as it is able to process, clean and analyze customer data "as-is"

Adopt the Best Negotiation Strategies

Negotiation strategies can always be adapted to each company’s particular way of doing business, allowing you to control how your company interacts with each of its suppliers

Let AI do de job

Our AI based algorithms identify winning negotiation strategies that are equivalent to and in some respects superior to what human beings can achieve, but at orders of magnitude faster than the status quo dramatically improving productivity.

Maverick Spend

Axtom identifies both buyer and seller patterns that are "outliers" which may indicate "maverick spend" which can then be brought under control and back in-line with the rest of company purchasing

Detailed Data Insights

Axtom generates and presents insights from our AI processing engine in simple and easy to understand views which allows users to export and present information including exporting reports to other business platforms

Ease of Mind

As Tail Spend is highly fragmented over many suppliers, it is almost always very difficult to manage. Axtom can provide procurement and other buyers ease of mind, ensuring company spend is efficiently and effectively addressed.

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